Frenalytics | 2019 Q1 + Q2 Progress Report

Matt Giovanniello
4 min readSep 15, 2019


Howdy! Though it’s been a while since our last update post on Medium, the Frenalytics team has been hard at work to develop a platform that uniquely improves a patient’s quality of life through rehabilitation. We’ve officially been in development for just over a year, and 2019 has brought about some exciting updates:

Custom Questions

The Custom Questions tab, located within the Patient Profile, allows family members and facility staff to enter as many customized questions as they like, along with correct and incorrect answers and relevant media files.

Since our earliest beta version, Frenalytics has allowed family members to provide answers and attach media files to hundreds of built-in questions. The Questionnaire tab in the Patient Profile allows users to collaborate and enter data from almost any device, anywhere. These questions are then shown to a patient, along with built-in incorrect answers, to help them improve the cognitive functions associated with each question.

When presenting this beta version of Frenalytics to interested facilities, we realized there was something missing; staff members would often ask, “What if we wanted to ask something that’s not built into the Questionnaire tab?”

This led to the release of Custom Questions, a new tab alongside the Questionnaire that allows family members and facility staff to enter an unlimited number of personalized questions that our Questionnaire doesn’t cover. Users can type their own question title, enter answer choices, indicate which answer(s) are correct or incorrect, and attach a song, photo, or video to each answer.

Modern Navigation

The navigation bar has been moved from the left side to the top, maximizing space available across devices in preparation for our new Therapy Session design.

The original version of Frenalytics touted a dual navigation bar — one on the left, and another on top. Menu options on the left were dynamic based on the user’s role, and the user could manage their settings and logout by clicking the user icon all the way to the right of the top menu.

To make best use of the space available on any particular device, we combined navigation bars and shifted everything to the top of the page. This was a step closer to a more intuitive user interface; this move also made us think critically about the 3–4 most important functions each user role would use with Frenalytics. Additional user functions, like Settings and Help, are still accessible by hovering over or clicking on the user’s name in the top-right corner.

Updated Therapy Sessions Experience

A sample question from the Family section in the Questionnaire. Users can click or tap the correct answer and get immediate feedback.

The Therapy Sessions component of Frenalytics is at the heart of our platform. Not only is it what makes Frenalytics unique, but it’s also the central hub for patients to relearn concepts and connect with their facilitators as they navigate through sections.

The new Therapy Sessions experience was built with patients in mind:

  • With the navigation bar now at the top of the page, Therapy Sessions take advantage of the user’s entire screen, with larger images and question titles shown front and center.
  • Our distinguished blue color bleeds through the menu bar and into the question section for greater visual appeal.
  • New Session Progress and Section Points indicators give patients and facilitators a quick glimpse into current progress without leaving the page.
  • Answer choices now appear as tiles, making it visually and functionally easier for a patient to review options and select their answer from any size device.

New Team Members

Meet Armond (left) and Tim (right), the two new members of the Frenalytics family.

In Q1 and Q2, we welcomed two new members: Tim, our new full-time full-stack developer, and Armond, a marketing and fundraising specialist. Tim’s 15+ years of development expertise helped us introduce the new Therapy Sessions experience, clean up our backend code for performance improvements, and integrate Vue.js into our frontend to modernize the platform. Armond’s experience in healthcare and grant writing aligned perfectly with our upcoming outreach and marketing goals.

Speaking of grant writing…

HHS Grant Opportunity

The cover page of our grant application (address redacted for privacy).

With Armond on board, Chris and I submitted a 48-page application (plus close to a dozen extra forms) for a federal grant opportunity. Specifically, the Administration for Community Living (ACL), a part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), posted an opportunity for assistive technologies that promote independence and community living. If awarded, we will receive up to $1.33 million over 3 years. The agency intends to make its decision by the end of September.

Wish us luck!🤞🏼

Thanks for reading! We greatly appreciate your support and invite you to visit our website to learn more:

If you or someone you know could benefit from Frenalytics, sign up for free at

Feel free to reach out to me directly at anytime:

